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Frustrated: Why She Was Upset with her Business Progress, and What She Did to Fix It

Frustrated with business progress

I was working with a business coaching client a couple weeks ago who said:

“I’m upset and frustrated. I feel like I’m not making fast enough progress with my business goals.”

And then a new client I was having an introductory business coaching session with said the same thing.

It’s important to remember that we tend to overestimate what we can accomplish in the short term, and underestimate what we can accomplish in the long term, because we are so used to being in a reactionary mode in business, responding to and dealing with the day-to-day challenges and pressures that come up. Being in that level of focus (or out of focus) is what keeps us stuck and not moving forward. 

While you may be feeling that you are not seeing fast enough results, if you are using a system, a framework and methodically moving along a plan to accomplish time-bound action steps that are within a larger vision for your business and your personal life, you will get there. You’ll probably get there faster than you realize.

Just today, working with that same initial client, she said she said she is incredibly happy, everything is working well and that, “I like the results I’m getting.”

What has she done in the past two weeks that have made such a big difference?

She trusted the process, looked back at what she had accomplished over the past month (this is especially easier to do if you have a monthly plan written out), and realized what she is truly capable of and what will happen for her if she stays focused, inspired and in action.

She allowed herself to go on a vacation, even though she was feeling overwhelmed and considered canceling at the last minute. But she realized how important that self-care and recharge time was, and she put herself first. And it totally did the job! 

She came back energized, relaxed, rested, focused and renewed with her strategies, and she even hired a new marketing person to take even more work off her plate. Now she’s in the process of reviewing her year-long vision and goals, to make sure she is putting this new person the best position to make sure he succeeds and adds to the overall direction of growth of the company, and she’s working on plans to add more support pieces to the puzzle.

I asked her what her challenges are right now (something I ask all my clients every time we meet), and she said, “None right now!” (Of course, when clients are feeling like the challenges are decreasing and aren’t sure what we should work on next, I always have some ideas and thoughts on what’s next to improve and what to tackle to keep the positive momentum going 🙂 ).

Most of my clients start out creating specific action items and goals with time-bound dates. What ends up happening is they often don’t achieve those “out of the gate,” but as we work together over the course of a few months, they start to see more and more accomplishments and successes that just snowball. 

In the end, they tend to be further along than they thought possible – but while they’re going through those struggles of creating new systems, habits and learning new skills, sometimes it feels like things aren’t happening fast enough. 

That’s OK. it’s important for us to be patient with ourselves, as long as we are trusting ourselves, our plan and the support that we have.

This client is on the same track as most of my clients who double or triple their businesses in less than a year while cutting their work hours by 25%-50%. 

After two months of working together, she’s accomplished so much: 

She has created a bigger vision for her business that she knows she can accomplish, put strategies in place where there was more confusion and fogginess before, learned and has used stress and overwhelm reduction techniques, freed up her creativity and inspiration to see and implement solutions to creating her business and lifestyle growth beyond what she could see previously, and the action steps to bring them to fruition. 

In the end, what’s been so critical for her was to allow herself to have a big vision, create the framework of a workable plan, even though many of the details were still fuzzy, trust herself (and me) and work the plan and allow for the minor ups and downs in the early stages, and take care of herself.

These are crucial steps to moving a business forward, especially an established business and one that has plateaued. 

Send me an email or DM me on Facebook if you feel like you’re stuck, you’re not making fast enough progress, or you’re backsliding with growing and improving your business or your team.

I’ll share with you a bit about my Service Business Accelerator Coaching Program, how we work together to bring your vision, focus, inspiration and activity lasered-in to make achieving your goals of doubling or tripling your business while cutting your work hours virtually guaranteed.

To make this happen, we also work on upgrading your business skills including time management, communication, organization, and removing blocks like fear, stress and doubt about your abilities and the capabilities of yourself and those around you, so you can trust yourself and trust them, to see your business thrive and give you back the time that you want for other important areas of your life.

I have some more client slots I’m opening up for the fall, and I would be honored to be your coach and guide to help see your business bring you everything that your heart desires with your time, your people and your income – if we both determine that this is a fit for you. 

Just reach out and email me or DM me with the type of business you have, if it’s just you or if you have employees, what your biggest challenge is in getting your business exactly where you want, and we’ll take it from there to see if there’s a fit to work together. 

I’ve been helping service business owners for 16 years and absolutely love watching my clients and their businesses soar!

Talk to you soon.

Your friend and coach,
Jason Rosado

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