I was just speaking with a business leader who shared some current frustrations. This happens a lot to small business owners.
Does this sound familiar to you – having that feeling of spinning your wheels:
She mentioned how there is a high level of stress day-to-day, people on the team are tripping over each other to get things done, there’s not a whole lot of fluid direction, and multiple people are responsible for multiple and overlapping areas, causing confusion, redundancy, and differing opinions of how to complete projects.
This can happen when roles and responsibilities of each person on the team, or of business partners, are not clearly delineated and spelled out, and even when all your team members are good at what they do.
It causes inefficiencies, anxiety, lack of communication, and lost time and energy. It decreases the quality of the work being done, because everybody is not focusing on the areas that they are best at, and creates a loss of momentum and profitability.
If this sounds remotely familiar, I recommend taking a look at the roles and responsibilities spelled out for your team, your partner and/or yourself.
Knowing what each person is responsible for, what each person’s strengths are, and how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together to accomplish your business goals (and not just you, but everyone on the team needs to know), is paramount to growing your profits and easing your workload. Clients who have been through my Service Business Accelerator program know exactly what we’re talking about here.
To get past your internal questions, concerns, or “but… our situation is unique!” (sorry, but it’s not – many small business owners have these problems, which are solvable with minor variations), grab a spot on my calendar for a quick chat and we’ll shed some light on where you can make tweaks to boost your business performance, productivity and profitability to the next level and take away your stress and overload while your business grows and thrives.