I’m getting excited about what the next couple of weeks hold, as our young son approaches another Christmas in our house and with our family after such a big growth year for him in so many areas.
We’ll get to see family near and far, and we’ll enjoy fun holiday activities here in Chicago.
It’s often the same from a business perspective, when the holiday season comes with new hopes, energy, goals and dreams for a spectacular new year.
But running low from last year can make it hard. Especially as I’ve heard from quite a few people lately that they’ve been experiencing a lack of focus, and in turn, motivation.
It’s difficult staying motivated when your vision and mental state are out of focus or foggy.
And a lack of focus will slow or stop you from taking the best actions to grow or run your business easily and enjoyably.
A lot of it has to do with our emotions.
You see, we usually motivate ourselves much easier when we’re feeling happy, excited, blissful, energized, etc. rather than when we’re confused, stressed, overwhelmed, nervous or fearful, etc.
And when you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed or tired, it’s very difficult to get in “the zone” and create momentum.
But it’s easy to procrastinate, watch TV, eat, get on Facebook, check email or even start doing other less significant tasks so you feel busy and fill the time.
If you’ve been experiencing this lately, you’ve been getting sidetracked with waning focus, motivation or momentum, or find yourself regularly busy but your business isn’t really moving forward the way you want…
Even if things in your business are going pretty well, but you just want to make a few small tweaks, shave off a few hours from your schedule, or amp up your revenue or profits…
Here’s a simple exercise you can do right this minute to increase the success you’ll have in the new year:
1. Get a pen and paper… I’ll wait.
2. Think about what a perfect day in your perfect business would be like.
How would you be spending your time? What would you be doing – what tasks, what work would be really fun in your perfect day? What hours would you be working?
3. Write down your task-by-task schedule, including personal time.
When do you wake up? What’s the next thing you do? What are your morning rituals that would energize you – workout, meditate, read the paper, eat breakfast outside on the deck with your family, go jogging? When do you start your workday? What are your work activities? How are you spending the work hours that make the biggest impact for your business and also light you up and make you feel great? Do you have any breaks that would make it awesome – time with your kids, working out, lunch with friends, etc.?
4. Next to each task, write the emotion that tasks makes you feel.
Hopefully your list is all positive emotions. If there are negative emotions, maybe rethink those tasks. Are they important? Can someone else do them? Find a way to move them off your list.
5. Review this daily vision each morning for 3-5 minutes and just let it sink in. Let yourself really feel into and experience those emotions next to each task.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this exercise – What did you discover? Comment below.
Here’s to your outstanding new year and the realization of your perfect day, month and year-vision coming to life with an amazing, inspiring and rewarding business to go hand-in-hand with your amazing, inspiring, rewarding life!
If you’d like some help to find the formula or strategies to kick your business success into high gear – Maybe it’s more revenue, better time management, having higher productivity for you or staff, bringing home more income, or having more time with your family…
To make the next 365 days incredibly rewarding for you, I’d be happy to have a quick conversation to help you. Just go here to schedule time for us to talk for a few minutes.
During our chat, I’ll give you some new ideas and insights to achieving your perfect business with a rewarding lifestyle this year and to answer any questions you might have.
I look forward to connecting to help you see your year full of proud moments, big accomplishments and exciting rewards for you, your business and your family!
To your success,
“Helping small business owners see 50-300% growth in 6-12 months, better productivity and more time with your family or loved ones”
Jason Rosado
Business & Executive Coach
Distinctive Coaching for Business Success