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If you never had to work again, what would you do and why?

Luxembourg Trip - Distinctive Coaching for Business Success

“If you never had to work again, what would you do and why?”


I was just in a networking event, and I’m not a big fan of the get-to-know-you icebreaker questions as a regular and significant part of a business networking structure, because I like to use that time for working on business, finding ways to help others, etc.


And I usually don’t like this specific question, “If you never had to work again, what would you do and why?”, because it seems like the obvious canned answer would be, “Exactly what I’m doing now!”


BUT…. this time, I tried thinking about it a little bit differently, and my own answer surprised me.


Here’s what I would do (but ask me tomorrow and my answer might change! 😉 ):


I’ve been teaching, leading, coaching and mentoring others for most of my life.


It’s completely ingrained in me, and I love what I get out of helping others learn, see new insights in themselves and in the world, grow and thrive, especially now, doing business coaching for owners of small service businesses.


10 years ago, I also became a Certified Energy Healing Master, which has been amazing.


I use these healing skills with my clients to help them release subconscious energetic and emotional blocks that stop them from being able to make great decisions, tap into their best creativity, feel peace, insight and intuition, and be the best versions of themselves. In doing this, this rocket-fuels the results that they get from working together, and they achieve business growth and prosperity results insanely fast.


So if I never had to work again, and since I have this teacher-coach-healer thing inside of me that is so important to me to help others, and I also enjoy traveling, learning, meeting new people and encountering new cultures and experiences…


I would travel the world, and as I met people who needed help, I would help them (this is something I already do now on a somewhat regular basis locally when I’m out and about in my life).


If it was something I could help them solve, correct or fix in just a few minutes, as I’m able to oftentimes do with my current clients, I would do that. If it was something where we needed to do more follow-up work to adapt, ingrain and execute their learning as we go, I would probably find a way to do that whether it was to stay in that area longer or be in touch with them some other way.


I really love what I do, because it helps my clients directly and powerfully, it helps people in my circle where I can put out great information that others can pick up on, learn from and use (like social media posts and my email subscriber list from my website), and there’s the ripple effect of everyone else that is touched through relationships and experiences with people who experience both of the above.


If you never had to work again, what would you do and why?


And…. there is no wrong answer. It doesn’t have to be helping others or some grand vision of changing the world. Just by making yourself happy, you are helping the world.


So, what would you do???


Answer here: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:share:7141159883243962368/


P.S. the pic above is Luxembourg, from our family vacation there in 2023.

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