In fact, while we were out of town, he spent several hours in a cafe working on documents, calling employees and clients, and making sure things were being taken care of at the office.
Lots of things that he would rather not have been doing himself even if he were in the office.
Can you relate?
Of course it’s normal to be in this situation as a business owner or leader.
I’ve been there, too. But, luckily, I also know the antidote.
The secret to changing it is…
“Time Abundance” – having enough time to get everything done, and ditching the stress and blocks in your growth and momentum that come from time pressure.
How differently would your business run and how much more profitable could it be if instead of feeling time scarcity and stress, you experience time abundance?
Here are steps you can take to alleviate your stress and worry, so you can leave your work for a relaxing, rejuvenating trip or several trips, and feel great about leaving the office at any time knowing your business continues to grow and thrive:
• Increase your staff’s empowerment and expectations to make decisions and find answers without having to come to you help or info all the time, and allow them to trust their judgement and follow the trainings and procedural guidelines you’ve laid out for them. This will also allow you to get more of your own work done on a regular basis, not to mention making your staff more efficient and productive.
• Assume everything is going to take three times longer than you think it will (because it almost always will take longer than you think it will, so why not build that in from the beginning?)
• Delegate and assign tasks to employees, staff, co-workers or vendors who can do them better, cheaper and faster than you can
• Create your job around the tasks and responsibilities that motivate and energize you – the things that you love doing that give you and your business a best R.O.I. for your time and attention
• Do the same thing for your employees’ job tasks and responsibilities
• Invest time up front creating the skills, systems and processes to train and drive your employees’ performance and growth, or get help to do it from someone who knows how to do it cheaper, faster and better than you.
As my clients see over and over, these steps will alleviate time stress for you, as your people and business grow and prosper.
If this is something you’ve been dealing with, it’s time to schedule a Business Breakthrough Coaching Session. Click here to read more about what’s included or to go ahead and schedule an appointment directly with me, click here.