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Who’s in Your Heart? (How your passion affects your business)

There’s something you need to know. And that is:

“It’s an inside job.”

The clients I work with want to see their business, job, team or company grow or improve. But it’s who’s in their heart that’s usually most important to them.

They want to have a better life for themselves or their families.

They want to give their customers or clients improvement in their lives or businesses.

They want to boost, motivate and better reward employees.

They want to engage and support more of their community.

In other words, they have something inside of them with a passion for helping someone else in some way.

That’s what drives them to keep going.

Even when things get tough.

Even when things are hard, painful or frustrating.

Even when things look like they are going to breakdown or fall apart.

It’s their desire to see success, clarity, possibility and prosperity for themselves and those they care about that keeps them going, taking action and improving.

Of course when we work together, they’re happy that their business, department, job or company improves, but what’s often more exciting to them is the impact and positive effects they have on others that starts by creating that growth, clarifying and improving what they do and how they do it, creating more time, energy, resources or ability to have those impacts for others.

So, my question to you is:

If you could have the perfect business, company, team or job so that you were in a really great place and had an abundance of money, time, health and energy…

Who or what are you in it for? Who or what would your ultimate success make a big impact or difference for?

Where does your heart instantly go?

Add a comment below and type it in.

There are no wrong answers, no selfish answers, no bad answers.

Just by sharing your answer and giving it more life, you’ll become closer to making it happen for yourself and whoever it is in your heart.

So please share: Who or what is in your heart that you’d love to help?

Your friend and coach,

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