Beat Small Business Burnout by Doing This

As a small business owner, you wear a lot of “hats” — sometimes all of them! But at the very least, there’s a good chance you perform the roles of owner, manager and top producer. Too many days (or months) in a row of that are a recipe for stress and burnout. Health can suffer, […]
2021: The Year for Faster Growing Business, More Time Abundance, Easier Sales, Better Support, More Time with Family…

It’s 2021!! A new year, a new decade, a slew of new opportunities for you. A faster growing business, more time abundance, easier sales and new clients, better support, more time with your family… I AM EXCITED. I’ve taken and learned a lot from 2020 (the good and the bad), I feel GREAT!!! And I […]
How to Fast-track Your Business’ Growth Culture

This article I just came across is spot-on! A couple years ago, I had a client who owns an insurance agency. He was working a ton of hours, had high employee turnover and low sales production from his staff. We worked together to help him institute a strategy of culture and employee development, and the […]
1,000 Thanks – Using Gratitude to Make Your Business and Life Amazing

A guy in New York recently embarked on an amazing gratitude journey based on a single cup of coffee from his neighborhood café. It took him to five states and two countries, as he attempted to thank every individual who somehow had a hand in getting the cup of coffee to him each morning. He […]
How a Terrible Personal Breakdown Led to Incredible Business Breakthroughs

I did a business breakthrough strategy session today with a woman who has a lot of irons in the business fire, so to speak. She referred to herself as an “entrepreneurial schizophrenic.” After about 45 minutes into our coaching call, and admittedly after a few bouts of tears and crying (which can happen once in a while during […]
Massive Business Success Requires High Leadership Performance – Here’s how to get anyone to go anything, including yourself

Massive success requires high performance, so I’m going to give you the simple formula to get anyone to do anything, including yourself. If you’re like some of my clients, you might find yourself often asking, “Why can’t Jane or Joe just do this / or do it right??” – or even asking the same things […]
If You Want Bigger Business Success, Does Your Work = Your Passion?

This might not surprise you: One of the best ways to be more productive, effective and profitable is to make sure your work equals your passion. For bigger, faster, more satisfying business success –> Your Work = Your Passion It’s this simple principle that is the basis of the work I do with my clients […]
Be the Small Business Superhero of Your Business – Here’s How…

Think of it… You are a real-life Superhero: Your business is successful, growing, energizing, rewarding, and supporting your clients, your staff and your family. It’s contributing to the health of your community and economy, supporting your clients to achieve what they want, and creating more opportunities and goodwill… all while you enjoy a huge sense […]
How to Motivate Yourself to a More Successful Business in the New Year

Happy Holidays to you!! I’m getting excited about what the next couple of weeks hold, as our young son approaches another Christmas in our house and with our family after such a big growth year for him in so many areas. We’ll get to see family near and far, and we’ll enjoy fun holiday activities […]
Who’s in Your Heart? (How your passion affects your business)

There’s something you need to know. And that is: “It’s an inside job.” The clients I work with want to see their business, job, team or company grow or improve. But it’s who’s in their heart that’s usually most important to them. They want to have a better life for themselves or their families. They […]