If you never had to work again, what would you do and why?

“If you never had to work again, what would you do and why?” I was just in a networking event, and I’m not a big fan of the get-to-know-you icebreaker questions as a regular and significant part of a business networking structure, because I like to use that time for working on business, finding […]
How to tackle that difficult conversation with that difficult employee

Having to have a difficult conversation with a difficult employee is one of the worst feelings in the world! Or is it? It’s amazing how many small business owners and leaders in general shy away from conversations they think might be difficult, allowing employees who are under-performing or *are* difficult to continue what they’re doing, […]
Frustrated: Why She Was Upset with her Business Progress, and What She Did to Fix It

I was working with a business coaching client a couple weeks ago who said: “I’m upset and frustrated. I feel like I’m not making fast enough progress with my business goals.” And then a new client I was having an introductory business coaching session with said the same thing. It’s important to remember that we […]
How to create self-sufficient employees and solve the daily time-suck that’s slowing down your small business growth

Year after year, your business isn’t growing as fast as you want because day after day, you don’t have time for sales or marketing, or even deeper strategic planning about your business. It’s not that you don’t have time. You do. It’s just that you’re letting employees suck your time away. My clients often find […]
How important is a job candidate’s prior experience when considering hiring a new employee in your small business?

It’s not a blanket statement, but the quote in the below graphic can work well for a lot of small businesses. Nurturing great employees in your service business starts with the first contact before the interview, and continues through the interview and beyond. Having the right training and development, and abilities of the managers or […]
The Simple Shift for Extraordinary Employee Motivation and Stellar Business Growth

A major thing that causes business growth to slow down is the inability of the business owner to build employees up properly and motivate them to perform at a high level. In fact the business owner often DEMOTIVATES their employees in ways they don’t realize. For example: I experienced this firsthand as an employee when […]
So I’m Confused – Do You Do Business Coaching or Consulting?

Someone asked me this question in an online forum. Here was my response: “It depends on your definition of coaching. ICF (International Coaching Federation) defines coaching as ‘partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.’ I submit to a definition that is ‘the facilitation […]
How to make the cost of delegating pay off big-time in your business

I know you might be scared that if you delegate the things you don’t want to do in your business, your staff are just going to make mistakes and you’re going to spend more time correcting their work. Here’s how you get over that: Realizing that it’s a time investment that you need to make […]
How Even Good Employees Can Drain Time, Money and Growth Opportunities from Your Small Business… and How to Solve It

I was just speaking with a business leader who shared some current frustrations. This happens a lot to small business owners. Does this sound familiar to you – having that feeling of spinning your wheels: She mentioned how there is a high level of stress day-to-day, people on the team are tripping over each other […]
[Video] How to Use Self-Healing to Quickly Triple Your Business… Even if You’ve Been Struggling for Years

If you didn’t catch it LIVE this past week in our Facebook Group – “How to Use Self-Healing to Quickly Triple Your Business… Even if You’ve Been Struggling for Years” – Jason Rosado & Megan Nolan Check out this fun, uplifting chat and self-healing demonstration we did about the psychological and emotional challenges of growing […]